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The Latest in Advanced Afib Treatment

The Latest in Advanced
Afib Treatment

The Latest in Advanced Afib Treatment

Atrial fibrillation (Afib) is an abnormal heart rhythm caused by irregular electrical signals. It is the most common type of abnormal heart rhythm. An estimated 8 million people have atrial fibrillation (Afib, AF) in the U.S.1 Advanced Afib lasts longer than 12 months or more, with little or no improvement. Over 3.5 million people are estimated to have advanced, or long-standing persistent Afib. 

Advanced Afib goes by many different names, including permanent and chronic Afib. It can be difficult to treat through medication, cardioversion, or catheter ablation alone.

The latest in Advanced Afib treatment offers hope to millions. A simple screening is the first step to see if you might benefit from Hybrid AF Therapy.

Why Treatment is so Important


Afib is a condition that worsens over time. If left untreated, Afib damages your heart—scarring, stretching and stiffening the heart muscle. It also increases your risk for stroke, heart failure, and dementia. Successful treatment can reverse some of this damage, improve symptoms, lower risk, and reduce the number of heart medications needed.

"No Afib and I am symptom free and very active 5 years after receiving Hybrid AF Therapy. I still go to the gym six days a week and I continue to travel with my wife whenever our schedules allow. Life is treating me well right now."

Bob Gates
bob gates

How is Hybrid AF Therapy different from a catheter ablation?

Catheter ablation creates lesions only on the inside of the heart. In patients with advanced afib, the erratic signals are also on the outside of the heart. Hybrid Therapy combines lesions from both the inside and outside to create a better barrier.


What are Hybrid AF Therapy benefits?

Most people experience the following benefits—90% fewer Afib episodes, improved symptoms and a better quality of life.


What if you've been diagnosed with 'Permanent' or 'Chronic' Afib?

Many doctors continue to describe Advanced Afib as Permanent or Chronic. With Hybrid AF Therapy your Advanced Afib may now be treatable. Take the survey to find out if you should see a Hybrid AF Therapy specialist.


Hear How Hybrid AF Therapy Has Changed Lives

Featured Patient Story

Bob tried other treatment options for his Advanced Afib but knew there had to be a better option. That’s when he found Hybrid AF Therapy. Hear how he went from not being able to ride a lawn tractor to completing an Iron Man.

What is Atrial Fibrillation?

Learn more about atrial fibrillation, its symptoms, the various stages, and treatment options, which includes Hybrid AF Therapy. Continue watching to discover what to expect from the Hybrid AF Therapy procedure, the benefits and what the recovery process entails.



1. Colilla, S. et al. (2013). Estimates of current and future incidence and prevalence of atrial fibrillation in the U.S. adult population. Am J Cardiol, 112(8):1142-1147.
